banana fana fo fana: willie nelson’s famous banana bread AKA ubc cake
Cornelius loves bananas. I hate ‘em and I welcome their untimely demise. There is only one instance where I welcome their sickly sweet and slimy texture…it’s a version of banana bread that won me over...
View Articledrink it up: banana eggnog smoothie
Alright, I swear, this is my last beverage post for a little while. 3 drink posts in a row? Well, I guess it’s time to bottoms up! For anyone who has been reading this blog for a while knows that I’m...
View Articledream pie: coconut-banana cream pie
Life sure has been busy for the past few weeks. Along with lots of holiday fun, there was lots of work to be done as well. Presentations, proposals, lots of designing and a bit of coding here and...
View Articlethe big bad banana: jacked-up banana bread
You should know by now that I do not like bananas. However, my one banana exception is for banana bread and it’s funny that my most popular recipe is for banana bread. But I think I’ve found a match...
View Articlewholesome pecan banana bread waffles
I woke up one morning with the urge to make waffles. I confess that it is a common urge, but one that I often don’t act upon. Usually a cup of coffee sets me straight and I go straight to the cereal...
View Articlebanana espresso chocolate chip bread
Despite having eaten only one banana in my entire life (I was nine when my life-long hate started), I do tend to get a bit gooey for banana bread. While my husband might keep the banana brokers in...
View Article3 brown bananas: vegan cocoa-coconut banana bread
I’m wiping up the mud and debris left from January and welcoming February with open arms. January is a rough month. It starts out on a high, with resolutions and promises. But I dunno, something veers...
View Articlelove muffins: vegan banana pecan oat muffins
This isn’t pink or red or heart shaped recipe. Though, if you’re feeling sentimental and have marbles handy, you can make heart-shaped muffins like so. But this recipe is a good one to make for a...
View Articlefor a foggy morning: vegan banana and date muffins
Last week was full-on summer. Hot, sweaty temperatures outside so that meant we turned on our fans, went on a lot of evening bike rides and hung out on the balcony to drink beers. Not too shabby,...
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